6th International Conference on Figurative Thought and Language
April 21-22 2022, Poznań, Poland
Dynamicity, schematicity and variation in Figurative Thought and Language
The links to Zoom conference sessions will be sent out to participants on Wednesday, April 20.
We have just received information that Prof. Irene Mittleberg will be unable to participate in the conference due to personal circumstances. Prof. Dylan Glynn (Université Paris 8) has kindly agreed at this short notice to deliver a plenary talk entitled “Operationalising metaphors: Usage as a quantifiable index of conceptual structure”.
On March 1st, 2022 the Polish Ministry of Education and Science made a statement that Poland is suspending all scientific cooperation with Russian scholars and Russian academic institutions. On March 3rd, 2022, following the Ministry’s decision, the Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań issued an instruction to this statement.
This means that we have to ask all participants affiliated with Russian scientific institutions to withdraw their participation from the conference.
When the conference registration closes on March 31st we will revise the conference programme to reflect the necessary changes due to cancellations and withdrawls.
We were hoping to host you in person in Poznań, so that we would be able to share ideas and good food together, despite the pandemic. Yet, now, with the war in Ukraine, our neighbouring country, Poland is focusing on receiving the refugees. We are also concerned that civilian flights to and from Poland may be restricted. This is why we have decided to move the conference entirely online.
If you have already transferred the conference fee for onsite participation, please write us an email, we will reimburse the difference between online and onsite fee.
FTL6 Organising Committee
A two-day event organised by the Department of Cognitive Linguistics at the Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, aimed at presenting and discussing current research at the intersection of figurative thought and language.
We invite theoretical and empirical contributions representing various takes on the interplay between language and mind, synchronic and diachronic, adopting a panoply of methodologies.